all postcodes in HP19 / AYLESBURY

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP19 7AA 4 2 51.817908 -0.839408
HP19 7AH 11 0 51.817882 -0.845037
HP19 7AJ 11 0 51.817514 -0.84509
HP19 7AN 8 0 51.817593 -0.845785
HP19 7AU 5 0 51.817295 -0.844777
HP19 7AY 29 0 51.818354 -0.848246
HP19 7AZ 4 0 51.817347 -0.846371
HP19 7EZ 10 0 51.813686 -0.838907
HP19 7FA 11 0 51.812152 -0.835682
HP19 7FB 12 0 51.812502 -0.836471
HP19 7FD 45 0 51.813353 -0.837029
HP19 7AW 22 0 51.818564 -0.846674
HP19 7AP 22 0 51.816825 -0.845427
HP19 7FE 18 0 51.813609 -0.836588
HP19 7FF 5 0 51.812779 -0.835419
HP19 7FG 10 0 51.81403 -0.836403
HP19 7FH 17 0 51.812988 -0.834689
HP19 7FJ 12 0 51.814491 -0.835811
HP19 7FL 16 0 51.814299 -0.835424
HP19 7FN 16 0 51.814443 -0.834535